"The first step is the hardest" - Madame De Vinchy Deffand
I must say that this quote has to be one of my top quotes for liking. Reason is in life we all have obstacles to over come. We faulter and try to strive on for the next one. Most times people get in the way of themselves. I know I am my own biggest hold back. I have so many things and ideas that I want to accomplish and I'm taking my time. Why? I don't know. I have been doing better here lately. It could be the extra time on my hands, or just pure determination to make things happen for my lil Princess and myself. All we have is time. Time is precious. I vow to start on something on my list and not take my time about doing it. Stop being my own obstacle. Not allowing my first step to be the hardest. I challenge you to do the same. Let me know how it turns out. Don't let the first step be the hardest. Allow the obstacles that come from that point afterwards to carry that weight of being the hardest to overcome.
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